| Products |



Maolactin-GI is designed to maximize gut health, repair
the gut immune barrier, reduce inflammatory reactions
and help fight bloating, constipation and stomach aches.
This revolutionary product acts as a long-term solution
that effectively restarts gut health.

Maolactin-GI is designed to maximize gut health, repair the gut immune barrier, reduce inflammatory reactions and help fight bloating, constipation and stomach aches.
This revolutionary product acts as a long term solution that effectively restarts gut health.

Maolactin-FMR is a bioactive blend of functional proteins formulated to lower inflammation and enhance muscle recovery. This innovative product assists athletes of all skill levels, as well as the elderly, in improving mobility and enhancing exercise recovery.

Maolactin-FMR is a bioactive blend of functional proteins formulated to lower inflammation and enhance muscle recovery. This innovative product assists athletes of all skill levels, as well as the elderly, in improving mobility and enhancing exercise recovery.

| Clinical Trials |

Effect of Maolac supplement on gastrointestinal tract (GIT) health in adult subjects: A double blind randomized placebo-controlled study

IRB Application No: 2023-06-749

Status: Now enrolling
Duration: Total Duration of the Study: 18 months
Total supplement duration: 56 days
Study Population: 90 Subjects Males and females aged over 18 years
Condition: Gastrointestinal disturbance
Design : Double-blinded, placebo controlled
Conducted by : RDC, Maolac

IRB Application No: 2023-06-749

Effect of Maolactin™ FMR supplementation on exercise recovery, inflammation, and muscle comfort in an otherwise healthy population: A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study

Status: Now enrolling
Study Population: Part A : Active population. Young and fit, healthy, no chronic inflammation Age 18-65, BMI 19-29.9
Part B : Non active Population. Aged and slightly overweight, usual chronic background Age 45-65 BMI 25-35
Purpose: Part A :Evaluate the effect of Maolactin™ FMR on post exercise inflammation, exercise recovery and muscle pain in an otherwise healthy population over 8 weeks.
Part B: Evaluate the effect of Maolactin™ FMR on chronic inflammation, mobility and muscle and joint pain in an otherwise healthy population over 12 weeks.
Design and duration: Part A: 8-week Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. 
Part B: 12-week Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial.
Conducted by : RDC, Maolac

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The study will be conducted as a single-arm pre-post study of 12 weeks’ duration, with a 4-week run-in period as the control phase and an 8-week intervention period, to investigate the effectiveness of the treatment on GI disturbances.
Included participants will have moderate GI disturbances of the upper and/or lower GI tract experiencing 1 or multiple symptoms at least once a week for at least 3 months. Symptoms included reflux, heartburn, regurgitation, nausea, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, or constipation
Participants will be screened and enrolled in the study where they will complete questionnaires, blood measures and intestinal permeability measures for GIT function and health, quality of life at baseline. Following baseline testing, participants will monitor symptoms and complete questionnaires for a 4-week control period. At the completion of the control period, participants will undertake 8 weeks of supplementation, participants will be assessed by questionnaires at week 4 and 8 of the supplementation period and blood and intestinal permeability testing conducted at the end of the study.


Part A (post exercise inflammation)
Participants will be screened and randomized into one of three treatment groups. Following consent, participants will undertake baseline measures which will include cardiovascular measures, pathology, inflammation, muscle breakdown marker, exercise testing (details to follow), health questionnaires and pain assessments (see all specific detail below).

Exercise testing will consist of the participant undertaking a test that is designed to induce delayed onset muscle soreness and determine maximum strength and endurance. Briefly, the participant will warm up, complete a test to determine their maximum strength (1-repetition to maximum), complete a series of leg press sets at 80% 1-RM, and finish with one set to exhaustion. Following the testing (up to 48-hours), pain scores and blood will be collected to assess recovery, inflammation, and muscle breakdown markers.

Participants will then supplement for 8 weeks, before completing the same testing at the end of the study. At the end of the study, the exercise testing will use the exact weight for the 80% 1-RM testing and repetitions to fail as used at baseline to see if the participant recovers better and has better endurance (i.e., lower pain scores, inflammation, and muscle breakdown).

At both baseline and week 8 visits, participants will have blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation data collected at rest, and post exercise time points to determine cardiovascular recovery (time to return to baseline). Participants will also be required to provide blood samples and evaluate their muscle and joint pain and discomfort at various times using a visual analogue scale for pain (VAS). Questionnaires will also be administered to collect data on general health and fatigue.

Throughout the study, participants exercise, and diet will be monitored (via a diary) to ensure both groups complete equivalent amounts of exercise, and no nutritional difference is present.

Analysis will be performed on all data collected at the mid-study point (half the participants completed). Depending on the results, the study may be adjusted. If No trends towards significance are being seen, the study may be discontinued, if one of the Maolactin doses is superior to the other, one dose may be discontinued. Dat will be considered trending if p ≤ 0.12.

To help reduce costs, pathology analysis will be conducted on 2 time points (pre and post exercise) for most markers. The post exercise time point will be determined by looking at the CK and CRP data and picking the point at which these markers peak for the analysis of the rest.

Part B (chronic inflammation)
Participants will be screened and randomized into one of three treatment groups. Following consent, participants will undertake baseline measures which will include cardiovascular measures, pathology, inflammation, functional testing, pain assessments and general health questionnaires (see all specific detail below).

Following baseline testing, participants will supplement for 12 weeks. Following supplementation, participants will repeat baseline measures.

Analysis will be performed on all data collected at the mid-study point (half the participants completed). Depending on the results, the study may be adjusted. If No trends towards significance are being seen, the study may be discontinued, if one of the Maolactin doses is superior to the other, one dose may be discontinued. Dat will be considered trending if p ≤ 0.12.

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